When we went to get our tickets at the box office yesterday, we saw Douglas sitting in the theatre lobby eating his lunch. With a little coaxing, Leslie told him we came from NH to see his performance because of how great he was in the shows she saw in Lenox. He couldn't have been more gracious and encouraged us to stay after the show to speak to him again.
We were both totally entranced by this amazing show. The Emperor Jones was written in 1920 by Eugene O'Neill and this short, brutal play has rarely been performed. For years it was considering 'politically incorrect' because of its use of the 'N word" and the fact that Brutus Jones is a black convict who has ruled cruelly and stolen from his subjects on a small Caribbean island. Today this story of corruption and demented leadership is one we have seen over and over again in the news.

Jones breakdown while escaping with no food and only a few vestiges of power- his uniform, his pistol and a silver bullet is amazingly told. When Emperor Jones is racing through the jungle to avoid capture, he is forced to face his inner demons represented by a series of amazing puppets and masks. It is truly terrifying to watch the Emperor face his primal fears and slowly divests all remnants of his power. This is an incredible performance by an actor who we believe is on the precipice of stardom.
After the show, he greeted us as old friends. It was a truly amazing night for two theater lovers.