Thursday, March 6, 2008

New York City Withdrawal Pains: March 6, 2008

Four days away from the bright lights of the big city and the CultureBuddies are starting to go through withdrawal pains. We looked through all the movie listings in Southern NH and there is not a decent movie to be had. Very little beside the 'multiplex movies' ever make their way to this part of the world and independent movie houses (with the exception of the Wilton Town Hall Theater) are few and far between. Several years ago when Life is Beautiful was released, the CBs went to see it at a Nashua theater and at the box office there was a hand lettered sign saying, "WARNING: This Movie Has Subtitles." That pretty much sums up the movie situation around here. So the ever resourceful CBs decided to rent A Moon for the Misbegotten from NetFlix. This movie version of the play stars Colleen Dewhurst and Jason Robards. They were the original stars of the play on Broadway many years ago. We saw and loved Moon... on Broadway last year with Kevin Spacey and Eve Best so tonight we plan on comparing the Broadway version of the play with the movie. Hey, we do what we can in this remote part of the world to earn our title of the CultureBuddies!